What happens if the company's financial period is difficult, so that employees remain motivated and eager to work. If this is allowed, it is feared that anxiety and anxiety will occur, even if employees are afraid of layoffs, the employees will not focus on their work. But whatever the employee is the most important asset in a business. How to motivate employees even though the company is in a difficult situation, here's how:

Setting Goals

Employees who have a sense of responsibility in business have better motivation than workers who do not have a vision for the future. So this is where you have to create a conducive work environment and allow workers to see the goals of the company's vision and mission. Make employees realize that the success of all businesses depends on their work. And make your financial statements as transparent as possible so that they have a better understanding of what is your company's problem.

Regular Evaluation

Take care of your employees how well they do their jobs. Give their positive feedback regularly. Offer constructive criticism in such a way that they are not offended, but learn from their mistakes. By offering them regular evaluations, in order to be able to develop a sense of belonging and motivate them to work diligently in your work even in difficult times.

Training and development

Don't stop training your employees. Look for ways to train employees to be more skilled and don't let employees like monotonous robots.


Maintain employee motivation at a high level by offering gifts. Prizes do not have to be expensive, events like exemplary employee contests that never late motivate employees to beat their coworkers. If workers work well, you might appreciate them by giving a one-day vacation bonus. Or to a minimum if you can't give a lot of cash prizes, at least every time you meet them always gives them sincere praise.